Posted by: Sahasi | July 4, 2008

Dinosaur Footprints and a beautiful river

Entrance to the Dinosaur valley

Among all the places I have travelled to in the US since arriving here in October 2007, I have liked the Dinosaur Valley State Park in the small town of Glen Rose. Sited about a 100 miles from Dallas this is a really small town, with even smaller population (2,400). But this small population doesn’t have anything to complain, there are fancy shopping centers, fuel stations, super markets, a police station and even a court house. I don’t know whether to call it well administered or whether there are too many crimes and litigations. Anyway that is not the reason why I liked Glen Rose.

Majestic Court house in Glen Rose

Majestic Court house in Glen Rose

I liked it because of its proximity to the lush green and calm Dinosaur Valley State Park, through which the river Paluxy flows. Unlike most of Texas this place is hilly and has lot of small and large wooded and rocky cliffs and vast acres of forests. Wading across the river which has fossilized footprints of Dinosaurs is a great experience. One has to be careful though, the moss and algae on river beds could be quite slippery. Now I am going to stop talking and let the pictures tell you the story of Glen Rose.

Dinosaur Models welcome park visitors

Dinosaur Models welcome park visitors

Dinosaur footprints on the river bed

Dinosaur footprints on the river bed

River Paluxy in Glen Rose

Dinosaur footprints image from online source

Dinosaur footprints


  1. Awesome website pal. It’s nice to find out about fantastic material along with this kind of detail. Many thanks!

  2. A shining example

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  5. Cheers for publishing this it was useful for a paper I am at this time writing for my finals. Thanks

  6. I grew up visiting my grandmother in Glen rose, who was actually a park ranger at 50.
    She taught me about the unique geology and paleontology of the region, and we had many good memories on the paluxy (sp?) river.

    there used to be a rope swing that would land you in the middle of the “blue hole”.
    The rangers always had to cut it down because it was dangerous, in that it is surrounded by many rocks and snakes!
    This place holds the fondest memories of my childhood. Don’t be afraid, just go there! And find the local BBQ, it is the best in Texas!

  7. hi

  8. Thank you 🙂 check out this emo boy hair at this blog:

  9. I love the dinosaur footprints. especially the one on the riverbed. Some folks say the feet that made them never lived with Job but that would negate what is written in the Bible (Job 40:15-18) and that would be tantamount to saying God did not tell the truth and I would hate to be in their shoes.

  10. i liked this amuzed gallrry

  11. would you mind if i use your pics for photoshop contest (retouch) i need your dinosaur pics, i will add your links as my source, i use for beginner level there is no price and you may check my artwork.thank you

  12. Thank you for your website 🙂
    I made with photoshop backgrounds for myspace,youtube and more
    my backgrounds:
    Hope you had a good day and thank you again!

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